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TOOZIE celebrates her tenth birthday on October 23rd!          LEXI celebrates her tenth birthday on September 16th!

FACTOID: Toozie's real name is "Gentle Woostybrain."                              FACTOID: Lexi can pick up DirectTV with those ears facing south.


OTHER NEWS:    On Labor Day morning 2005, Lexi and Toozie chased away their first intruder! A man running from police attempted to jump the fence into our yard, but Lexi and Toozie convinced him that that wouldn't be in his best interest. So he instead ran along the perimeter of our back fence with them barking at him all the way. He then ran into our neighbor's yard, where police nabbed and arrested him. Good work, girls!!!


                        Toozie 2004-                                     Lexi 2004-2014 


         Sparky Ann 1985-2003                     Tickles 1974-1985                       Dixie 1965-1977